Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Customer Retention is Growth

We can all agree that retaining a customer is, in fact, growing your business. When the average service sector company will lose 17% to 25% of there existing client revenue annually, any reduction in this % is growth. So, here is the question, "What are you doing, above and beyond providing excellent customer service (which is an expectation of the customer) to strengthen your client relationships? Do tell.....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am about to give a talk to a group of business owners in Amelia Island, Florida about Social Networks for business

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Imagine the growth of your business if everyone you know referred one person to you and you referred one person to them?? NO MORE COLD CALLS !! Hummmmmm....
Just learned about "National Referral Week" check out www.makeareferralweek.com , Pretty cool