Monday, October 5, 2009

To all friends of Ruben Estrada and Estrada Strategies... Check out this web site and give me your feedback.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just had a great Sushi lunch with my daughter who is attending Azusa Pacific University.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have you read the book "Peak" from Chip Conley? If not go to If you would like to meet Chip in person, keep October 29th open. More to come. (Pass this onto your friends in your network)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Are you access Economic Stimulus resources??

If you are not, why? I know, you don't know where to go, you don't know what is available and you are to busy to figure it out on your own. Right? Well, after you read this you wont be able to use those excuses. So, here we go..
1. Google Workforce Investment Agency and the name of your city. You will more than likely find the local WIA or WIB that serves your community. If you spend 10 minutes on that site, you will be amazed at how much money they have to assist you to recruit, train and upgrade your workforce.
2. California ETP(Employee Training Program) grants. O.K. you do need to be a California business, (which is the majority of people reading my articles), and if you are, this State funded program is a MUST Check OUT!!! I know one business owner who has already accessed over $100k this year alone.
3. We cant leave out our good ol' SBA. In fact, I am very impressed with the number of economic stimulus programs the SBA has announced this year. Everything from waived origination fees to high loan to value program. If you are looking for financing, spend the time and check out what the SBA has to offer.
Well, now you know. Don't let the perception of government get in the way of your opportunity to access these allocated dollars. (I am in the process of hiring two full time Sales Representatives in a program where my county will reimburse me 130% of their salary for six months.)
Any questions about this blog, don't call me, call your local county economic development or workforce investment board. They have the dollars and the answers.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Business Survival Part 3 "What should I do with my business in this economy?"

What should I do with my business in this economy?

Today evidence of small business failure is becoming as obvious as a neighborhood littered with foreclosures. Buildings, which once housed a thriving business full of life and activity, are now dark. Cash is getting tighter and business owners have to make critical decisions for significant expense and personnel reduction just to stay alive. Many businesses are budgeting negative growth and negative net income for 2009 and praying that the bank does not call the note.

As the CEO of a business coaching franchise, I often get asked the question from both financially stressed and financially sound businesses owners “What should I do with my business in this economy?” Other questions I get asked are: How long will this last? Are we at the bottom yet? When will we begin to see an up-turn?

The reality is, no one really knows. I have read about, listened to and have spoken personally with leading regional economists and no one can definitively answer. What these business owners should be asking is “What should I do in this rapidly shifting economy?”

The answer is; Three things.
· One, keep every customer you have. Ramp up your customer retention efforts and make every effort to keep your existing customers.
· Two, grab market share. Either through increased new sales, marketing and advertising efforts or through acquisition, now is the time to implement the guerilla marketing techniques and increase your market share.
· Three, manage by the bottom line. Break even is the new “BLACK” for many companies and to do so we must make the tough P&L decisions every day.

But how do I achieve this you say? Well, here are a couple of examples of strategies that have helped business owners during this challenging time.

1. With every cost reduction initiative, there must be an even greater NEW growth initiative.

I led a coaching session with a business owner who was reviewing his P&L strategies for labor and other expense reductions planned for the upcoming months. While reducing expenses may be necessary, I challenged the CEO to implement one key business growth initiative that was equal or greater to each expense reduction initiative planned. For example: If you lay off an employee (expense reduction), commit to launch an aggressive “marketing to customers” campaign. Have everyone in the company call three to five active and/or past customers every day in an effort to strengthen client relationships and to create opportunities for sales.

Other examples include:
· If you are going to cut your facilities maintenance expense in half (expense reduction), form two strategic alliance relationships with noncompeting businesses who are willing to launch a co-marketing campaign.
· If you are going to reduce your sales personnel (which may be a mistake), make a commitment to attend five networking events per month in order to generate new sales opportunities.
· If you are going to drastically reduce your direct mailing or advertising budgets, make a commitment to launch an aggressive e-marketing and web Search Engine Optimization campaign.

In short, “you cannot cut your way out of a problem.” With every cost reduction initiative, there must be an even greater NEW growth initiative.

2. Increase market share through acquisition

In coaching with another business owner, who happens to be in a very strong financial position today, we discussed creating an aggressive acquisition campaign. In every industry there are businesses owners who are on the brink of failure and would welcome an acquisition interest letter from a stable competitor. Just as the savvy liquid investor is grabbing real estate at drastically reduced prices, the savvy liquid entrepreneur is grabbing market share via acquisition at the same rate.

You can’t cut your way out of a problem. If you’re in a strong position, now is the time to act. Those companies who strategically and deliberately survive in today’s economy will thrive when the economy turns. Just don’t ask me when that day will come.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Business Survival part 2 - Strategic Partners

So, what is a REAL Strategic Partner? Well, in my world a true Strategic Partner is a non-competing business owner who serves the same ideal client I serve. Pretty simple right? You would be amazed how many business owners have not identified true strategic partners in thier market place. Also, I find business owners who say they have strategic partners but have no strategic relationships. So, lets break this down a bit. (this is my definition so don't go running to websters)

Strategic = to have a strategy; a direction; measureable goals &/or objectives
Partner = mutually invested in each other success

Pretty simple huh? In this economy, we MUST leverage relationships where ever we can to grow our business. Picture yourself sitting down, over lunch, coffee or dinner, with the owner of a "Strategic Partner" business and making an agreement to bring XX number of introductions to each other over the next 3 months. Too far out to imagine? No! I recently learned of one local business who had a joint sales meeting with his sales team, and the sales team of his strategic partner. Both owners were present to lay out a "Strategic Joing Sales" strategy and to discuss marketing techniques.
Hey, I am just sharing ideas here. I would love to learn what others are doing to leverage strategic partner relationships. Do share.

Whats your "Next Move"?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Business survival part 1 - Overview


My name is Ruben A. Estrada and I am the founder of Estrada Strategies Franchise Inc. We are a business coaching system. Over the years, while coaching hundreds of CEO's towards greater success and now, in todays economy, watching so many businesses struggle, and fail, I have decided to do my part in reversing the trend. In this 15 part "Business Survival" string of blogg's, I will share my ideas, (which are really the successful behaviors of my clients and franchisee's), with the rest of you. So, if you own a business, are wondering what this economy is going to do to you, or if you own a business and are currently struggling in this Shifting economy, you may want to stay tuned. Or not..
Here is the firs tip:
Successful people are often referred to as Wise... and wisdome can ONLY be gained by ones own experiences or through the experiences of others. I like the later.. less painful.