Saturday, January 17, 2009

Business survival part 1 - Overview


My name is Ruben A. Estrada and I am the founder of Estrada Strategies Franchise Inc. We are a business coaching system. Over the years, while coaching hundreds of CEO's towards greater success and now, in todays economy, watching so many businesses struggle, and fail, I have decided to do my part in reversing the trend. In this 15 part "Business Survival" string of blogg's, I will share my ideas, (which are really the successful behaviors of my clients and franchisee's), with the rest of you. So, if you own a business, are wondering what this economy is going to do to you, or if you own a business and are currently struggling in this Shifting economy, you may want to stay tuned. Or not..
Here is the firs tip:
Successful people are often referred to as Wise... and wisdome can ONLY be gained by ones own experiences or through the experiences of others. I like the later.. less painful.

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