Monday, January 19, 2009

Business Survival part 2 - Strategic Partners

So, what is a REAL Strategic Partner? Well, in my world a true Strategic Partner is a non-competing business owner who serves the same ideal client I serve. Pretty simple right? You would be amazed how many business owners have not identified true strategic partners in thier market place. Also, I find business owners who say they have strategic partners but have no strategic relationships. So, lets break this down a bit. (this is my definition so don't go running to websters)

Strategic = to have a strategy; a direction; measureable goals &/or objectives
Partner = mutually invested in each other success

Pretty simple huh? In this economy, we MUST leverage relationships where ever we can to grow our business. Picture yourself sitting down, over lunch, coffee or dinner, with the owner of a "Strategic Partner" business and making an agreement to bring XX number of introductions to each other over the next 3 months. Too far out to imagine? No! I recently learned of one local business who had a joint sales meeting with his sales team, and the sales team of his strategic partner. Both owners were present to lay out a "Strategic Joing Sales" strategy and to discuss marketing techniques.
Hey, I am just sharing ideas here. I would love to learn what others are doing to leverage strategic partner relationships. Do share.

Whats your "Next Move"?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Business survival part 1 - Overview


My name is Ruben A. Estrada and I am the founder of Estrada Strategies Franchise Inc. We are a business coaching system. Over the years, while coaching hundreds of CEO's towards greater success and now, in todays economy, watching so many businesses struggle, and fail, I have decided to do my part in reversing the trend. In this 15 part "Business Survival" string of blogg's, I will share my ideas, (which are really the successful behaviors of my clients and franchisee's), with the rest of you. So, if you own a business, are wondering what this economy is going to do to you, or if you own a business and are currently struggling in this Shifting economy, you may want to stay tuned. Or not..
Here is the firs tip:
Successful people are often referred to as Wise... and wisdome can ONLY be gained by ones own experiences or through the experiences of others. I like the later.. less painful.